Navigating the World of Business Competitions: Tips and Tricks for Entrepreneurs

business competitions

Business competitions can be exceptionally daunting, but this shouldn’t put you off entering. After all, they offer fantastic opportunities for entrepreneurs, and you could win vital support for your company and possibly a significant financial investment.

Fortunately, with the right strategies and skills, and by preparing adequately, entrepreneurs can succeed and emerge as winners. 

Read on to find out more. 

Preparing for a Business Competition

There is plenty of work to be done before you arrive at the competition, even if you think you know your business inside out. You could be facing a panel of judges or investors, and they’re going to be thorough when evaluating your company.

Here are some areas you should focus on during the preparation stage.

Your Business Model

A fundamental aspect is whether your company will require a brick-and-mortar store, or if it will be online. You can also combine these types of business models if your product or service is suitable.

This could be a crucial decision, as some investors may want to only focus on one of these areas. By choosing one type, you may exclude some venture capitalists at an early stage. 

Therefore, it can be useful to research who will be on the judging panel before the event. You can then decide if you are happy to appeal only to investors who specialize in the type of business you own.

Target Market

Even if you have an incredible product or service, you won’t be able to make sales unless you have people who are willing to buy it. To determine who your ideal client is, you can use buyer personas. By using factors such as age, location, occupation, and lifestyle, you can identify your perfect target market.

You can then present statistics to potential investors showing how many people you believe will buy from your company. 


The last thing a venture capitalist wants to find out is that the market is already saturated. If you have too much competition, they may decide to look elsewhere, leaving you without the investment you need. 

Thoroughly research the market and be ready to tell a judging panel precisely how you intend to gain a foothold in your chosen industry. If you can show you can compete and win a large market share, you can win the backing you came for. 

During your research, you may also notice that rival firms are engaging in activities such as false advertising or price discrimination. These activities can give them an unfair advantage and make it harder for you to compete.

In these scenarios, you can hire antitrust lawyers to work on your behalf. By leveling the playing field, you’ll give yourself a better chance of convincing an investor that your business is viable.


Many entrepreneurs pitch an idea, hoping that the dream they have will be enough to excite investors. But this is rarely the case. These lenders are successful for a reason, and they deal with financial facts.

This is why you need to present numbers that indicate how much profit you expect to make now and in the future. Even if you expect to lose money in the short term, an investor may be happy to take a risk if they think they’ll be rewarded in the coming years. 

By being ready to answer questions about your business’s financial expectations, you can impress the judging panel and encourage them to invest in your company. 

During a Business Competition

Nerves are only to be expected, but to achieve competition success, you need to be ready during the event. Take a look at some winning tips and strategies.

Professional Pitching

Your pitch is your opportunity to inspire venture capitalists to put their money into your business. This is also the time to set your company apart from its rivals, making it stand out and be the obvious choice for an investor. 

Make sure you know what you want to say, and if you’re using any equipment, such as a projector, check that it’s working beforehand. While you shouldn’t be interrupted during your pitch, be prepared to answer questions afterward. 

Even if you feel some members of the panel are disparaging about your idea, always remain professional and polite at all times. Remember that you only need one backer to invest to take your business to the next level. 

Event Networking

When everyone has made their pitch, you may get the chance to talk to investors casually. Although you don’t want to continue trying to make a hard sell, you can still make an impression by talking about your business skills and ambitions. 

This is also a good time to let a venture capitalist get to know you better. If they like you and think they’d enjoy working with you, they may decide to invest, even if they weren’t prepared to when you made your initial pitch. 

Be Observant

One of the best competition secrets is to be observant. If you watch other pitches and listen carefully, you can pick up helpful hints and tips that you can use in your presentations. This can give you an edge and make the experience that little bit easier. 

Be sure to make notes throughout the day, and you can study them before you enter your next event. 

After a Business Competition

Don’t be afraid to follow up with investors after a competition. This can show your enthusiasm and help a venture capitalist make up their mind when deciding where to put their money. 

While you shouldn’t be pushy, there’s nothing wrong with sending a polite email or making a respectful phone call.

Leave a Lasting Impression During Business Competitions 

If you can master the art of business competition navigation, you can walk away with support and investment. 

Be thorough when preparing for an event, and try to network at business competitions when you’re not pitching. Additionally, it can help to follow up after events and ask investors if they’d like to be part of your company. 

Before you start planning for your next business competition, be sure to check out more of our informative blog posts. 


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I'm Mphil (IT) student. I have vast experience in article writing and networking. I wrote multiple articles for various successful businesses in the field of Technology.

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